The end of green and amber travel?

Government officials plan to overhaul the current system. Significant changes are expected to be announced shortly.

Green and amber categories could be removed and replaced with a new system, government sources have said.

It has also been rumoured that the government are going to remove the need for PCR tests to return to the UK for fully vaccinated passengers (except for red list).

The new system would allow vaccinated travellers to travel to countries with similar vaccination levels to that in the UK without being quarantined.

According to sources, the red category, which includes countries the government says should not be visited, will remain.

Currently, red countries can only be visited in the most extreme cases, and travelers returning from them must stay in a hotel approved by the government for 10 days after returning.

However, the government declined to comment on its plans, saying: “Our international travel policies are guided by one vital priority – protecting public health.”

The current list of green and amber travel countries can be found here.