TUI has confirmed that it will be suspending direct flights from London Gatwick to Costa Rica and Saint Lucia this spring, while its direct service from Birmingham to Orlando Melbourne also appears to have been removed for next winter.
Costa Rica – TUI will end direct flights from London Gatwick from late April, despite a 5% increase in UK visitors last year (50,000 arrivals). Since the pandemic, the airline has operated a winter-only service to Liberia, offering easy access to the Pacific coast. TUI says it will continue to sell holidays to Costa Rica using third-party airlines, but availability currently only extends until April on its website.
Saint Lucia – Flights from Gatwick will cease at the end of May, though TUI will still offer holiday packages using alternative airlines. The Saint Lucia Tourism Authority (SLTA) has reassured travelers that visitor numbers should remain stable, with British Airways and Virgin Atlantic continuing to operate regular flights from the UK.
SLTA’s Director UK & Europe, Patricia Charlery-Leon, commented:
“While the news was initially disappointing, TUI expects arrivals to remain strong, with travelers potentially enjoying longer stays. With daily British Airways flights (six per week in summer) from Gatwick and three Virgin Atlantic flights per week from Heathrow, Saint Lucia remains well connected to the UK.”
Birmingham to Orlando Melbourne – While not officially confirmed, TUI’s direct flights appear to be axed from October 2025. The airline’s website currently only shows indirect flights via Amsterdam, Frankfurt, or Paris for next winter.
TUI says it remains committed to these destinations and will continue offering package holidays via alternative carriers.