3rd UK airport lifts the frustrating liquids and gels rules!

We’re thrilled to announce that Aberdeen International Airport has revolutionised its security process with the installation of Next Generation Security Checkpoint (NGSC) Scanners. Joining Teesside and London City, Aberdeen now offers a seamless travel experience, eliminating the hassle of removing laptops and liquids at security checkpoints.

With the implementation of NGSC Scanners, queue times have been slashed by an impressive 50%, enhancing efficiency and passenger satisfaction. Departing travellers can rejoice as the previous 100ml liquid rule is now a thing of the past. You can now carry bottles containing up to two litres in your hand luggage, and electronic devices like laptops can remain safely tucked away in your carry-on bags as they pass through the state-of-the-art 3D scanners.

Last year alone, over 2.3 million passengers traversed through Aberdeen International Airport, emphasizing its vital role in regional and international travel. Security Manager William Wallace expresses his delight, highlighting the airport’s proactive approach in implementing this significant security enhancement well ahead of the government’s deadline. He urges passengers to familiarize themselves with the new process and exercise patience during this monumental shift in aviation security.

While Aberdeen leads the way in this transformative change, it’s essential to note the advancements across other major UK airports. Heathrow anticipates the installation of new scanners in all security lanes by this summer, while Gatwick aims for completion by the end of March next year. Manchester Airports Group, overseeing Manchester, East Midlands, and Stansted airports, plans full scanner rollout by 2025.

London City Airport set the precedent as the UK’s first major airport to implement the new scanners for all passengers in April last year. This move marks a significant milestone in aviation security, evolving from the restrictions imposed in 2006 following a foiled terror plot to blow up planes flying from London to the US with homemade liquid bombs.

Aberdeen International Airport is committed to providing a seamless and secure travel experience for all passengers. Fly with confidence knowing that your journey through Aberdeen is now smoother and more efficient than ever before!